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CEN-SAD Youth & Sports Ministers Meeting

Fatahallah Alzunni
Minister of Youth of Libya

Fatahallah Alzunni

"On behalf of Libya's Government of National Unity, I am honored to welcome you to this crucial gathering of Youth and Sports Ministers. Hosting this event is a source of pride, as it represents an important milestone in enhancing cooperation to empower youth and leverage their role in sustainable development." More..

Fatahallah Alzunni


For Youth as Partners in Decision-Making

Empowering youth as active partners in decision-making processes is a key priority for the countries of the Sahel and Sahara region. Recognizing the crucial role of youth as agents of change, the CEN-SAD nations are committed to establishing effective policies and mechanisms that ensure meaningful youth participation in shaping the future of their communities.

By fostering youth engagement in policy formulation, program design, and governance structures, the region aims to leverage the dynamism, creativity, and fresh perspectives of young people. This approach not only empowers youth but also strengthens the legitimacy and responsiveness of decision-making, ultimately leading to more inclusive and sustainable development. The CEN-SAD youth agenda underscores the imperative of mainstreaming youth voices across all spheres of public life.

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Ministerial delegation
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Tripoli to Host Youth & Sports Meeting

Warm welcome to all participants arriving in Libya

The Ministry of Youth is pleased to announce that it will be hosting a meeting of Youth and Sports Ministers from the Sahel and Sahara States Group in Tripoli. This landmark event will provide a platform for regional leaders to discuss and collaborate on critical issues affecting young people across the Sahel and Sahara.


The Community of Sahel–Saharan States (CEN-SAD) was established in 1998 when the founding agreement was signed in Tripoli, Libya. The original members included six countries - Libya, Chad, Niger, Sudan, Burkina Faso, and Mali.

The goal of CEN-SAD is to create a free trade area and promote economic integration within the Sahel and Saharan regions of Africa. Over time, membership has expanded, reaching 29 member states by the mid-2000s.

Event agenda

Objectives of the CEN-SAD Youth and Sport Ministers' Meeting

The meeting of the Youth and Sport Ministers from the Community of Sahel–Saharan States (CEN-SAD) convenes with the following key objectives:

Youth Empowerment

The ministers will explore strategies to engage youth populations across the CEN-SAD region, including enhancing youth participation in decision-making processes, and supporting innovation.

Regional Sports Cooperation

The gathering will work to strengthen sports cooperation among CEN-SAD states. It will focus on harmonizing sports regulations and sharing best practices in sports development.

Sports Infrastructure Development

The ministers will strategize on improving sports infrastructure, facilities, and training programs across the region, with the aim of increasing participation in sports, especially among youth.

Healthy Lifestyle Promotion

The delegates will address ways to promote healthy lifestyles and physical activity, including through school-based programs and public awareness campaigns targeting the region's youth.

Sports for Social Cohesion

The meeting will examine how sports can be leveraged as a tool to foster social cohesion, intercultural dialogue, and peace-building initiatives within and across CEN-SAD communities.

Resource Mobilization

The meeting will explore opportunities to mobilize financial resources, both public and private, to fund youth empowerment initiatives and sports development programs within the CEN-SAD framework.

By addressing these key priorities, the CEN-SAD Youth and Sport Ministers' Meeting aims to harness the potential of young people and sports to drive sustainable development and social progress across the Sahel and Saharan regions.

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Schedule details

Event schedules​

Download Schedule Details​:
  • 9:00 AM - 6:30 PM
  • Corinthia Hotel

  • 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Corinthia Hotel

  • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Corinthia Hotel

  • Location

    Corinthia Hotel
    Souk Al Thulatha Al Gadim, Tripoli 82874, Libya